This page contains six important Video Podcast lessons about the Rapture of the Church.
Jesus promised to return.
Rapture of the Church
Jesus promised to return and take His followers to be with Him forever.
Rapture compared to Second Coming
Rapture vs Second Coming
Many people confuse the rapture with the second coming. This podcast addresses the differences.
Resurrection of the Dead
Resurrection of the Saints
Paul said that we are not to worry about our Christian loved ones who have already died. When Jesus comes for us, the first thing He does will be to resurrect the bodies of believers who have died.
Our New Body
New Bodies
When Jesus comes to rapture the church, He will raise the bodies of believers who have died and transform the bodies of believers who are still living. This post examines what these new bodies will be like.
When will the Rapture Happen?
When will the rapture occur?
This podcast looks at when the rapture will happen.
What Happens After the Rapture?
After the Rapture
One day soon, Newspapers all over the world will be announcing that millions of people have vanished. This podcast is about what happens after the rapture.